Monthly Archives: May 2017

Charts of the Day – May 11, 2017

The continued tightening of the monetary conditions in China accelerates the sell-off of both equities and bonds, and 10-year government bond yield remains elevated. Coincidentally, bitcoin has been on an upward trajectory since April and has hit an all-time high. One … Continue reading

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Market Commentary – May 5, 2017

U.S. stock market finished higher as investors digested better-than-expected job reports and remained cautiously optimistic about a “Macron-victory” outcome from the French election on Sunday. The Dow Jones industrial average rose 55.47 points (0.26%) to settle at 21,006.94, mostly driven by Apple. The S&P … Continue reading

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Charts of the Day – May 2, 2017

The discrepancy between the soft and hard data persists. In particular, U.S. consumption and sentiment have diverged. Source: WSJ (full article) Empirical data suggests that consumer sentiment has a limited correlation with hard data such as retail sales, a proxy … Continue reading

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