Charts of the Day – July 5, 2017

As we concluded the first half last week, here is a recap of how the forecasts of Q2 2017 U.S. GDP growth coming from selected Federal Reserve Banks have evolved since May.

As expected, given the continued soft inflation data and weak retail sales readings, both the Atlanta Fed and the New York Fed lowered their GDP estimates for Q2 2017, while the street consensus remained largely unchanged compared to what we saw in May.

US Q2 2017 Forecast update 20170705

Here are the laggards contributing to GDP estimate downward revision, according to the Atlanta Fed (in almost every aspect).

Atlanta Fed Q2 2017 Estimate 20170705Source: Atlanta Fed

While the New York Fed is attributing the lower GDP revision to weak housing & construction data and sluggish retail sales & consumption growth.

NY Fed Q2 2017 Estimate 20170705Source: NY Fed

About AM_Journey

A small potato working on Bay Street
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